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The Club exists to support its members from occasional recreational rowing to high-performance training leading to National and International competition. We are committed to helping all our members achieve their goals and have a number of squads to cover all levels of involvement. Take a look below to see what our squads have to offer.

Information about the latest squad activity can be found on the news pages.

Club Group

This group incorporates Senior Men, Women and Masters rowers of all levels. Experience within the group will range from rowers competing in national competitions to people starting their rowing journey. We also encourage and organise social events.

The senior men train on Tuesday & Thursday at 18:30 and Saturdays from 6:45. We do a mix of training sessions on land and water.

Times for other groups to follow

To join this group, anyone with rowing experience please send your details to membership@exeterrowingclub.com. If you have no rowing experience you can sign up for our Learn to Row courses via the following link Learn to Row

Sculling Squad

The club welcomes scullers of all levels to join the Sculling Squad, with recent success at Scullers Head and Henley Masters the squad trains through out the week both on and off the water.

Junior Squad

We welcome juniors aged 12-18 to row for fun, or to compete at local events. We also provide the opportunities for junior rowers to compete at regional, national or international levels.

Our Junior Squad coaches hold recognised British Rowing Qualifications and are DBS checked. They are experienced in supporting junior athletes to develop their skills and confidence and to achieve their goals. Our Club takes safety, welfare, and safeguarding very seriously. We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all.

See our Junior Squad pages for more information.

Recreational Squad

The recreational squad meets on Friday mornings all year round, and often on Sundays during the summer months. The squad is made up of a diverse range of people from mid-30s to over-70s and of all genders. Some members of the squad also row with other crews, usually in mixed quads and eights, at other times in the week. The squad currently comprises 15-20 members that mostly use mixed coxed quads (sculling boats for four people, each with two oars), along with doubles and singles.

A small learn to row group will run on a Friday morning for ages 18-80. Details of the next course here. After completing the Adult Learn to Row course members can join in with the recreational rowing squad.

In 2016 the squad rowed down the Thames from Wallingford to Henley and Henley to Eton/Windsor over two days, spending a night in Henley.  In 2017, the squad visited Exeter’s twin city of Rennes for their 150th anniversary regatta.

On a typical Friday morning the squad takes out coxed quadruple sculls (quads), rotating so that everyone learns to cox as well as developing their sculling. Each session involves some ‘skills’ work and some continuous rowing. We use the river during the summer, and the canal (from the basin to the Double Locks) in winter. Training boats (a quad, two doubles and a single that are wider and more stable than fine sculling boats), are also available and used at the early stages in learning. If there are more Rowers than can fit into these, we would also take out doubles and singles. Several members of the squad use their own single sculling boats and from time to time we also have sessions on the rowing machines (ergos).



Exeter Rowing Club is delighted to welcome any new coxes, either novice or experienced.

Coxing isn’t just about being the little one shouting at the back; it can be one of the most demanding and rewarding positions in the boat. As a cox, it’s down to you to steer the best course, and motivate your crew during training and racing; and a good cox can be the difference between winning and losing! While it can be challenging, the thrill of racing is like nothing else, and you’ll make some great friends along the way.

We welcome coxes throughout the year; if you’ve never stepped in a boat before, you can start through our Learn to Row programme; you can then choose whether to move into one of the competitive racing squads, or cox socially with the Explore Squad.

For more experienced coxes, all of the racing squads offer plenty of opportunities for progression, with men’s and women’s crews competing regularly at a high level, including the Tideway Heads and Henley Royal Regatta.