Roles & Responsibilities
- Oversee the development and welfare of the club, guide the Club Committee in safeguarding its future
- Facilitate the development, implementation, review and updating of the Club’s strategy and development plan
- Communicate regularly to all club members and facilitate the production of the annual report
- Present the public face of the Club and facilitate relationship-building with appropriate third-party organisations
- Chair the monthly committee meetings
- Where a vote is tied, exercise the Chairman’s deciding vote
Key Activities
- Chair the committee meetings.
- Ensure all members of the committee have an opportunity to air their views; that meetings follow the agenda, ensuring that where necessary discussions are brought to a conclusion and agreement is reached on the actions to be taken and that these are followed through
- Communicate the Club strategy and implementation plans to all members
- Provide advice and support to the Captain and other members of the Committee
- Support the Captain in arrangements for proper use and allocation of equipment
- Ensure the club rules and bye-laws are abided by
- Where possible and relevant, ensure compliance by members with Safety guidance and the Articles of Association
- Assist with the organisation and running of ERC events