Junior Inter Regional Regatta

For those of you who don’t have access to the Club’s Facebook or the Junior Facebook pages you may not be aware of the success of our small team representing the Western region on Saturday at the Junior Inter Regional Regatta. The conditions were as good as I’ve seen at the NWSC at Holme Pierrepont, […]

Success at Vesta Veterans Head

Last Sunday a mixed Masters eight from Exeter rowing club won at the Veterans Head of the River rowing race in London. They won a pennant for the fastest in category and the fastest mixed crew with a final position of 35th out of 217 boats and quicker than many all male crews. The boat […]

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 21st September 2017 at Exe Water Sports Association Clubroom at 6.30 pm. Nominations for Directors: Any member shall have the right to make not more than one nomination, with the written consent of the candidate, for election as one of the Company Directors. Such nominations […]

Totnes Autumn Head 2016

Our small competitive junior group represented the Club well at Totnes Head Race alongside the senior and masters squads. A great day for the club all round. Great family support and many thanks are due to Stu and Ben for taking on towing duties. Division 1 saw fantastic times from Phoebe Muir and Emily Vater […]

Ladies’ Squad Report – November 2016

So far had a great start to the season.  Since starting the program 6 weeks ago the ladies have shown great commitment overall, with it now starting to really pay off in both race results and erg scores. At Gloucester we had entered a Masters 4x, two Senior 4+’s & Novice/ IM3 8. From this […]

Mens’ Squad Report – November 2016

Men’s squad continues to grow. In the past 2 months we have taken on 3 new seniors from Exeter University, all of whom have been great additions to the squad and James has been particularly helpful with coxing even while limping around with a broken foot! Continually getting 2 solid senior fours out for water […]